The owners of this bucolic 60 acre private property adore color and English style gardens. In designing the poolside and patio garden beds, our intention was to provide abundant layers of shrubs, perennials, bulbs and annuals. Texture as well as a carefully planned color palette was paramount and wherever possible native plants were included.
Once the rich earth warmed up in spring, a riot of crocuses, tulips, daffodils, hyacinths and early blooming perennials would shout out! As these spring front runners were waning, warrior- like six feet tall allium giganteum would stand proud above peonies, with miraculously large blooms in delicate pinks, pure whites and burgundy. Languid summer days poolside brought out bees, butterflies and dragonflies, enjoying the peak of the garden in mid July.
Asters, grasses, dahlias and sedums fed pollinators right up until the first deep frost. Perennials were cut back, bulbs sown, and a rich compost applied, putting the gardens to bed. Time for rest and renewal for nature and the hardworking gardeners also!
The Garden
2one2design Associates LLC
212 Johnson Street
New Bern NC 28560